Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Introduction/Refrigerator List

Once upon a midnight autumn, my roommates and I were discussing my situation and they suggested that I start a blog about the happenings of my life. First, I will tell you a bit about my recent past.

I am a transfer student at a private college (coming from a community college in a redneck town. Culture shock, anyone?) in a small town in Ohio, but I am not the typical student on this campus. I work three jobs while attending school full time, and I am snugly living in a double room with two of my friends, Katie and Karen (no need to ask how that works...Karen has a mattress under Katie's bed and we share every other piece of furniture. They are really nice).

As a prologue, I will tell you a story that Katie told me after she returned home for our fall break. Her mom asked about Karen and me and she told her the story of how we all ended up living in this room (it's a long, confusing story that I will save for a post when I have run out of cool things to say). As they were talking, her mom pointed to a blanket in their sun room and asked if Katie wanted it. Katie replied, "No thanks, we already have plenty of blankets in our room." As their conversation deepened, Katie told her mom about my family. She explained that my mom is a single mom who recently adopted four kids and doesn't have a lot of luck with her financial situation. With empathy pouring out in her voice, Katie's mom said, "You take that take that blanket and you give it to Zara." Hence, the title of my blog.

For the topic of my first post, I will now provide you with a list of the weird things that I, as a poor vegan-college-student, currently have in my refrigerator:

  • An empty Brita water filter
  • A half cut onion
  • Lemon juice
  • All natural maple syrup
  • Soymilk
  • (Non-vegan) Apple pie...half frozen
  • A single piece of cheeseless pizza
  • A container of (gross, melted, separated, re-hardened, disgusting) soy butter
I will leave you with the list of random refrigerator contents, as well as a quote from the great Lord Byron, whom I am currently studying.

"Thou hast no power upon me, that I feel;
Thou never shalt possess me, that I know."
(Manfred, Act 3, lines 125-6)

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