Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nicaragua: Days Six/Seven/Eight

Well, I got busy and tired so I neglected to post anything. I apologize for that. Here is a brief description of the last three days:

Day Six
Today we did some more farm work (scoopin the poopin) and then I did homework while everyone else painted one of the dorm rooms. Then in the afternoon, we had a really great time with the kids. A little girl named Katia gave me a purple ring (that I wear on my right ring finger now!) and we all had a fulfilling afternoon. This was definitely the best day of the entire trip (so far, anyway).

Day Seven
Today we painted one of the dorm rooms, working mostly on the trim (ick). We only did this for about an hour because we had an early lunch and then got on the bus for a two hour drive to the BEACH. We went to a place called San Juan del Sur which, unfortunately, is a touristy town. Despite what we were told about it being pretty Americanised, it really wasn't too bad! The water was wonderful and we all had a fantastic time. We got there in the early afternoon and stayed til about two hours after the sun went down.

Day Eight
Energy was low and moods weren't so great throughout the day today. The younger members of our group (myself included) slept through breakfast and devotions, but they saved food for us! Then we painted two different dorm rooms - one complete, one close to being finished, ate lunch, took naps, and then watched kids again. The kids have gotten really comfortable with us, which is great, except that they don't listen as well anymore, and they get into our boxes of stuff without permission. Oops.

After dinner and reflections, we set up a skit about stone soup that we will perform tomorrow during the fiesta. Speaking of tomorrow, it's my 20th birthday! Luckily for me, we are having a fiesta! Perfect timing.

Here are some pictures from all three days:

My Spanish name!
This is Katia!
Rachel and me playing with some play-dough.
Zach and crazy Marion.
The beautiful Sunset!
Matthew and Aaron playing with Riley.
Welcome to San Juan del Sur!
Everyone else is being normal...Rachel looks crazy.
And to make up for it, here's a cute photo!
Faran and Aaron having a bromance.
Rachel and me
Leah was there with us!


  1. Yay I'm right in the water where I would have been all day! Love you guys

  2. Ooooh I love the first sunset pic, great perspective!
    Happy birthday!
    When do you guys return?

  3. Thank you!!! We come back on Saturday, so only one full day left. It's pretty strange to think of coming back to the states...everything is so different. Be sure to check back tonight...there will be photos from our fiesta we're having today at five!
