Thursday, March 31, 2011

Random Photos

I haven't posted much lately, but I have wanted to. I have also been dying from the lack of photography in my life currently (thanks a lot, winter), so here are a few random photos from my portfolio. Enjoy! And remember, if you or anyone you know needs photos taken for any reason (senior, family, business, advertising, publicity, wedding, etc.), hit me up!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Trees and Us

After a long, beautiful, cleansing night at the homestead with three of the most beautiful people I know, I have come to a realization. As humans, we are all experiencing the world around us in our own individual ways, but it's all still the same world. From this, I thought of trees. Humans are like trees. Each tree has its roots that extend deep beneath the surface of the earth and each tells a singular, distinct story that grows, and grows, and grows. Individually, these trees extend high into the sky, experiencing the world from top to bottom. But collectively we can look upon these trees and see that they make up the woods, or a forrest, or even a small garden. What matters is that they are all independent entities that experience the world in their own singular ways, yet fit together so perfectly to weave the beautiful tapestry we call our world.

That's what we are. All of us. Trees. Individual. Together. Trees.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Two Years and Counting

Two years ago today, at almost this exact time, we officially adopted my four youngest siblings, Edgar, Stephanie, Diane, and Matthew. The choice to adopt them was a family decision, and Ed and Steph both had the opportunity to choose to be placed in another home at that time, but they decided to be adopted by us instead.

I have to say that despite all of the difficulties we're having with them right now, I don't regret our decision for a second. They are just as much my family as my biological brothers are, and I love them completely. Because of this, they are damn good at breaking my heart (and my mom's), but hey, that's what family is for, right?

Anyway, there isn't much more to say, just that I love you guys, and I am so so so happy that you all became apart of our family.

Te amaré por siempre.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Why doesn't anyone in Ohio smile? People in Nicaragua have little more than dirt (in comparison with the U.S. in terms of material possessions, anyway), yet they smile ALL the time. Here at Denison, everyone is wealthier than they realize, with their North Face coats and Ugg boots, yet they keep their eyes down and walk right past me. Making eye contact with anyone on this campus is a surprise, and when I get a smile in return - wow. It's a big deal.

It shouldn't be, though. Everybody here has so much to be grateful for, and so many things to be happy about. I don't know why anyone frowns on this campus!

I really, really miss Nicaragua. The 30 degree weather certainly doesn't help anything either.