Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Death by Chainsaw

I am feeling colorful today.

My dear friend Olivia wrote a blog about zombies and how we need to prepare ourselves for their attack, and she cleverly created a list of important things to know for those of us who have had no prior training or education on the zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately for me, Olivia thinks that I will get infected and try to eat her, so she explained how she would kill me.

This is where it gets cool.

She says that she would decapitate me with a chainsaw! How AWESOME is that? Obviously the actual death part would suck, but consider the obituary...

Zara lived a short but fulfilling life. She worked
hard, went to school, and had a great circle of
friends. She enjoyed writing, dancing, and photography.
Zara was in a tragic newly discovered zombie state;
therefore, she was decapitated by her best friend with
a brand new STIHL chainsaw in her tiny dorm room as
she lunged for her first (and final) taste of human flesh
with an intense in-for-the-kill kind of inclination.
She is survived by her mother, father, eight siblings,
extended family, close circle of friends, extended
circle of friends, her two dead cats, her one-billion
living cats, her "children," her computer, Jackson,
her printer, Alexander, her iPod, Rodger,
and her car, Bella.

Have you ever heard of a death being cooler than that? I haven't.

For all this and more, I thank you, Olivia.