Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Soul Mates

My best friend Rachel and I were talking about the idea of soul mates today and she sent me this quote by Elizabeth Gilbert:

"A soul mate's purpose is to shake you
up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show
you your obstacles and addictions,
break your heart open so new light can
get in, make you so
desperate and out of control
that you have to transform your life."

I feel as though this goes against the common current of beliefs in regard to "soul mates." Most people seem to use the phrase as a synonym to "the one," which I think are entirely different things. I most definitely agree with Gilbert's quote. There is one person in my life that I consider one of the most important of my soul mates, and the situation between us ripped me apart completely, and then I had to build myself back up from scratch (just like Gilbert says). Despite the incredible amount of pain that the relationship (and end of) caused me, it was most certainly one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

Oh yeah, I also believe that we have more than one soul mate. Way more than one. I could name three of mine with immense confidence.

I made myself who I am today with the unintentional help of one of my soul mates.

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